Saturday 22 November 2014


Original author: Story Provider

one day superman vas fly above earth and vas saved people vho ha dtrouble but not more. suddenly ther was noisy thing frontwards of him.
the timeportal approach superman who try fly off and into both teh space and ground but couldnt becaus too much pull vas from the portal so he got sucked in
superman woke up in a city street and all is unfamiliar but all were vondering him because superman vas in past but didnt knov but soon voud!
ten some people he recocnise as nazi soldier guys approaced. superman renmembred his povers and flyed off and knew where it vas he hsd to go to to solve tha situation he vas in and vhat was untfrotunate.
HE SAID and he vas soon at read square were he flyed to stalin.
superman explainesded wat vas and the tvo men begin enjoying others companieds. so before superman go off into fronttlines to destroy nazi army guys stalin kiss him amd say goodbye and the would nmet again
so after soviet army guys vere closed to berlin superman sawed hitler
so hitler began shoot litning balls from hands!
the litnin balss hit superman so he kick hitlers in the belly but it did no thing. soon more nazi army gyus come and soot at superman and soviet guys and soviet guys began deading but superman kept to fichtingh becaus he had to do it becaus hiteh vas evil man and opposed his love of his lif vho vas in moskov and was his lifes lover
now both soldier guys from both countrys were soting each others and hitler vas still fithing hitler who had his strenhgt and vas strong and huge and scar but who didnt kill superman eiter
after days of battlings and warrings it woulds be clear who loses teh war but if yuol dont remember you r history and history is important it vas german vho lost so hitler faked a siucide and fly to moskov
but superman hhad follow him! so they begin fight superman yell but was at5tack by hitler vho vas hovervr distracted from her purpose so superman grab him and threv into sun and hitler die because he had superpovers but they werent like supermans superpovers becaus the werenet as poverfull so it vas deth for hitler who vas no more becaus he vas deaded.
stalin say and so they kiss and has sex what vas better sex than vith lois and more fulfilment so they got married anfd have kids so stalin and superman vas happy family forever and ever

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